Two Poems
Julie Walker
I wove myself to all the intricacies
of this world,
encountered adversity and discriminatory diversity.
Engaged in corruption and obstruction,
drank from the golden chalice of hatred
and engaged in futile Political, religious
debates that met no ends but
rhetorical violence.
What’s best left is proverbial silence,
but only sometimes silence,
allows the death of innocence,
and the future of mankind
becomes a nihilistic lie
with its people waiting,
just to wallow and die.
So as we Perpetuate to a
further state of self indulgent loathing
wide awake with our eyes closing,
I eagerly detach myself
from the sentiments of my kin
because I know too well,
the wages of sin.
The world is Diabolical
and I am only anatomical,
I have no win,
so as this sphere continues to spin
I will systematically and
disestablish myself from
the system I have historically
coalesced with.
fully incapable of degeneration,
or de-construction of natural function,
that is my son
those are the youth,
the prodigious ones
with their sharp minds
and well rehearsed lines,
every thought,
every word
fully prepared
they are fully aware
of the subtle shifts
in cosmic alliance,
they lead a millitant defiance
which says bend not to
intellectual mind rot.
They are the youth
of a dying truth,
some indestructible crack babies
growing up to be
scientific dignitaries,
going down in scientific journals
some being spoken about
at your wall-street urinals.
Our sons
the dignified ones
they split the atom
and unlock the diseased mind
but what will they find
when staring in the mirror?
will the mirror reflect
the imperfect
or make visible
the indestructible,
impenetrable truth
that they are just
over-zealoused youth
who just stumbled upon truth...

Scans of Julie's submitted materials