after Don Mee Choi
I missed the chance
to be a gook
in white pajamas
sleepwalking in daytime
some bodies’ legacy
my name written on rice paddies
my footing stable
my constitution strong
No mention is made of international adoption
a) Logical phase of westernization
b) Logical symptom of globalization
c) Logical conclusion of neocolonization
as a nominalization gone wrong
The gook I never got to be
wears white on the inside
blood ash of none
a farce
a foundling
a cat in a crater
riddled by babies
dropped from the sky
(cue aerial view of nation as womb)
Stoker lived in South Korea, her country of birth, as an adult for many years and now resides in the U.S. She earned her MFA from Antioch University. Her work has recently appeared in Pleiades.