we’re standing outside
or well i’m smoking
about work or something
my shirt’s wet
i say the stain
she says nah
we agree it could be
she kisses my neck
in a gingko how many
have plastic bags in them
probably none & i smile
hot damn! get some!
she lets go of my hand
back up at the blue letters
her apartment smoking
& she’s just talking
& it’s kinda raining
from leaning against the wall
looks like a bunch of grapes
it’s more like a pregnant sea snail
pearls wound around a snake
& i look up at a smiley-faced plastic bag
trees in manhattan do you think don’t
i say & she says i don’t know
& kiss her on the forehead
a man yells from a passing yellow fiat
to flip the driver off & i look
writhing on the bag THANK YOU! PLEASE COME AGAIN

sally burnette is orig. from North Carolina but now lives in Boston. recent work is out/forthcoming in The Fem, Reality Beach, BOAAT, and Fuck Art, Let's Dance.