torrin greathouse
i have a dream of drinking & wake
in the flood light of dawn / blue as the fragmented coast-
line / robin's egg shattered into jagged coves
& in this dream my father / pulls
a 6 month chip from behind my ear / then makes
a liquor cabinet / vanish / then saws a family in two
& this is a strangely bloodless thing
& in this dream my father / pulls
liquor from a bottle / like a jar of air
& this is how i learn to swim
& yes, this is another poem about liquor & drowning
in it / & yes, this is another poem about my father
where i Houdini him into blood
where i Houdini this into water & swallow
until all i am is a bloated / stomach splitting
cells / burst like rain clouds
what is an [alcoholic/magician] other than
a storyteller / rearrange the cards & the story
changes / this is the magic of it: transformation
alcoholic / magician handcuffed to
riverbed / handcuffs alcoholic to magician
/ handcuffed to alcoholic riverbed
the magic here is that when we name
it water / it begins to drink back
we too are swallowed
i dream of drinking & wake in the morning
sky drowning / the room in light
pockets filled with river silt

torrin a. greathouse is a genderqueer trans womxn & cripple-punk from Southern California. Her work is published/forthcoming in Bettering American Poetry, BOAAT, & The Offing, & she is the author of one chapbook Therǝ is a Case That I Ɐm (Damaged Goods Press, 2017).